Scripture: Habakkuk 2:3-It is not yet time for the message to come true, but that time is coming soon; the message will come true. It may seem like a long time, but be patient and wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not be delayed. (New Century Version)
Meditation: There is always a determined time in the eyes of God, so my Friends we must wait for that set appointed time. While waiting we must know that God will deliver according to His perfect plan and purpose. Sometimes it takes a long time (in our eyes) to show His plans. This is called a test, God's testing reveals what we are really made of. When we realize that God is in control we will be able to rest well and not fret. We cannot rush our victory, or cut our growing pains. Things will happen when God says and not by our clock or calender.
God is love and without love we are empty. Q.D.Johnson