Tuesday, October 9, 2007



Matthew 18:21-22 (New Century Version)

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, when my fellow believer sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Should I forgive him as many as seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he wrongs you seventy times seven.


FORGIVE-To pardon; to remit; to overlook.

When pride is present and all we can think of is SELF and they were wrong and not me. We can never forgive. When we are puffed up and holding on to how bad that person hurt us. We can never forgive. When we are plotting and thinking evil thoughts about that person. We can never forgive. Regardless of who was right or wrong, and how many times you have been mistreated, we are obligated to forgive. We have offended God limitlessly and His Grace and Mercy sustains us everytime. We want release from our hurt and bondage, but when someone offends us, we take days, months or even years before we forgive. If we are to be like Him, we should learn to forgive like Him.


Today let us be thankful for friends and family and to appreciate one another. The world we live in today is cruel genuine people are far and few, so let us learn to love and respect the people that are present in our lives. Pray for our teachers it is a tough job dealing with our kids. Show an act of kindness and let them know you appreciate them. Remember what you do for others God will make happen for you. Have a blessed week!

Qua Sonya D. Johnson



It is not always easy to forgive when people hurt you. But I thank God for molding and making me daily. We must learn to forgive and forget. Q.D.JOHNSON

Unknown said...

This is good and just what I needed today. God Bless!