Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Wait--to delay temporarily or be temporarily delayed. 
Synonyms-- tarry, pause, abide, remain, stick around.

Acts 1:4
On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 

There are times where we are in a hurry/rush to get things or to places. There is a song that says, "you can't hurry God, you just got to wait". Waiting can be uncomfortable, uneasy and down right frustrating. Good News my Friends, it is in your Season of "Wait" that you gain strength in The Lord and your relationship gets STRONGER. You will literally learn how to put it, ALL in His hands. Your it may not be my it, but His Hands are Bigger and can hold IT All. The song says, "whatever the problem, I put it all in His hands, I know that He can solve it, I put it all in His hands, this and that, I put it all in His hands". Psalm 130:5 I wait for The Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. After you release your it in His Hands, wait, stand on His Word and be hopeful, knowing He has it. Jesus, do you know the Man??  In the book of Acts Jesus commanded the Apostles not to leave Jerusalem( City of Peace), BUT(however, on the other hand), WAIT for the gift the Father promised(paraphrased). Jesus goes on to say, and I paraphrase, you heard me say this before. God has Promised some things to you, but He is getting you ready in your wait for what is to come.  On today be encouraged. Know that while you tarry, pause, abide, remain, stick around that in His Hands there is NO Failure. Your delay is NOT definite it is only to posture you for your Destiny!! 

Read Acts 1 for deeper revelation and it is good reading. Bless You!! QDJ 10/1/13

"Harvest Time"!!! 

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